How to make monsters and enemies work and attack is pretty simple I just had no time earlier. (Starting with the basics I will update this list to get into the more complex things) Added new guide to op.1.) Go into actors edit mode and cntrl+click the monster. 2.) Right click the selected monster and go to properties.3.) Go to Spawn Flags 1Basic Monster spawn flag selections:Solid: Makes actor solidProjectile attack 1/Projectile Attack 2: Good for enemies with weapons or any enemy that fires a projectile. Monsters are specific to them though, so if your monster isn't firing any projectiles on projectile attack 1 try to use projectile attack 2. While testing switch between them on different attacks to get the correct 1.Snap to Floor: Makes the enemy/monster stay on the floor even after death. You want to choose this one.Cast Shadow: Cast's a shadow for the monsterUse Strong Attacks: Makes enemy use the stronger attacksUse Weak Attacks: Monster does weak attackHit ok and close the properties tab. Save map and now the monster will work.I did even attach the map here. I thought it would be cool to start trying to use videos also to go with text. This is my first one I thought it was a small task so good for a first video guide.
Projectile attack 1/Projectile Attack 2: Good for enemies with weapons or any enemy that fires a projectile. Monsters are specific to them though, so if your monster isn't firing any projectiles on projectile attack 1 try to use projectile attack 2. While testing switch between them on different attacks to get the correct 1.
So A Note: If your on Win7 and your desktop theme uses display modifier to increase all text size, then your important buttons on Turok Kex editor v1.0.3 will be obscured and the actor properties window will not function properly.
Wouldn't say to much effort because it solves the hole issue now if people search these things and read now they can get a solution or simply figure out how to do it in general. I for example am not a mapper I need all steps. But I don't have this missing ok button.
Yes make more videos! Thanks