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Messages - Nfsfan83

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Anything Else / Re: Far Cry 1 PC Weapons Mod
« on: March 14, 2024, 10:43:36 AM »
Far Cry PC - M134 Minigun Predator Old Painless

Far Cry PC - Weapons MOD New AK47 and M202

Far Cry PC - MOD Carrier test

Anything Else / Far Cry 1 PC Weapons Mod
« on: December 13, 2023, 01:03:05 PM »
Hi Guys,

After long time I found someone who help me to make new weapons for Far Cry 1 PC. Mod will replace all weapons to new models (mostly from action movies from 80s and 90s) and I change traning map.

Many models are borrow from battlefield vietnam :)

I hope you like it. Mod is allmost finish.

Turok General Discussion / Acclaim Entertainment Marketing Assets
« on: November 17, 2022, 12:38:47 PM »
Guys I hope You like it :)

Acclaim Entertainment Marketing Assets

but best part is that in this zip file are huge size logos and cover art of original Turok DH from 1997 but there is one problem there are files called:

TUROK ART.1211.cmyk.C
TUROK ART.1211.cmyk.M
TUROK ART.1211.cmyk.Y
TUROK ART.1211.cmyk.K

files for print set, but how to join it in one to make one color file in perfect quality?

Also there is this file in color in png format but problem is compression is, steps on edges (turok face in zoom)

But I make this quick, join in 1 - 2 colors files, nice thing if some one need own big box:

3641 x 4217 size

Like You know in Poland big box cover art was more wide than other version ;)

Guys I have in plans finished adding new vegetation to level 1, 4 and 6 :) so if I finished this, You can use these maps and add more ammo etc by yourself.

I should test this out right now :)

Alright, so I like the added vegetation, it looks more alive and more like a jungle than before.

I would add extra ammo and health next update, because the extra enemies make it hard, I can't imagine beating this on hardcore mode (unless I somehow zipped past the hoards).

Besides that, this definitely is a map edit that shouldn't be overlooked.

I can't add new ammo pack only can copy what is there. This same with health or new weapons. Thanks for testing :)

Turok Dinosaur Hunter / Re: Favorite weapon?
« on: September 14, 2021, 07:49:27 AM »
There are 3 best weapons for me in Turok DH:

1. Shotgun - based on Remington 870 Police Magnum Riot Shotgun - 12 gauge

2. Minigun - based on: Hand Held M134 Minigun mostly know as "Painless" from Predator

3. Grande Lanucher - based on - own creation of Iguana Studio :)

Screens show what I change in map Ancienty City level 08 and level 09.

I add many palm trees (many of them are destructible - usually small one) and plants. Also add more enemies.


Test it:

Thanks... I would say... If there were no people like You, this foum can't be great ;)

I have in plans also add more thing to level 4 - ruins

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