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Turok Games => Turok Dinosaur Hunter => Turok Dinosaur Hunter Modding/Mapping => Topic started by: Badger on May 05, 2017, 01:14:06 AM

Title: Turok Vanilla Textures Research
Post by: Badger on May 05, 2017, 01:14:06 AM
Making a little separate section for research into some of the original textures of Turok.

I initially started re-texturing with in house textures I made:

Some head Carvings:

But I was interested to see if this was based on carvings source material and not independent, and it actually is (with minor changes).


Full album:


Result mixing the two.

I'll be sure to update this post, and the textures I make from these are free to use for anyone's projects if they'd like, please give credit though.

If ya'll find any similar or matching sources pictures, please do tell :D

Edit: Changed crediting status
Title: Re: Turok Vanilla Textures Research
Post by: Duke64 on May 05, 2017, 01:25:26 AM
Making a little separate section for research into some of the original textures of Turok.

I initially started re-texturing with in house textures I made:

Some head Carvings:

But I was interested to see if this was based on carvings source material and not independent, and it actually is (with minor changes).


Full album:


Result mixing the two.

I'll be sure to update this post, and the textures I make from these are free to use for anyone's projects if they'd like, no credit necessary.

That looks very good man actually love it really is nice and seems fitting can't wait to see more. very interesting to find a match like that.

Hey 'no credit necessary' that's nice and I know exactly how you feel. But no we won't be having that if users make a map with this if they don't include that you made the textures then sorry I would on Turok Sanctum. I just think this is a bad practice not to credit its simple to do. I'm 100% against that, try that in the Doom, Duke, or almost any modding community and you get thrashed not just by creators but by the community. You could get something snarky like I see you used such and such from this mod so on and so forth.

So I ask all please, for a clean environment always credit if you use something even as simple as 1 sprite.
Title: Re: Turok Vanilla Textures Research
Post by: Badger on May 05, 2017, 01:36:44 AM
That looks very good man actually love it really is nice and seems fitting can't wait to see more. very interesting to find a match like that.

Hey 'no credit necessary' that's nice and I know exactly how you feel. But no we won't be having that if users make a map with this if they don't include that you made the textures then sorry I would on Turok Sanctum. I just think this is a bad practice not to credit its simple to do. I'm 100% against that, try that in the Doom, Duke, or almost any modding community and you get thrashed not just by creators but by the community. You could get something snarky like I see you used such and such from this mod so on and so forth.

So I ask all please, for a clean environment always credit if you use something even as simple as 1 sprite.

Thanks for bumping this, and you are right actually. I don't think any modder would like their work plundered like that, (I actually saw a calling out on workshop for Turok already, not mentioning who, just that it happened). I changed the credit status because that'd set a bad example to people.
Title: Re: Turok Vanilla Textures Research
Post by: Jay Doomed on May 05, 2017, 11:31:44 AM
(I actually saw a calling out on workshop for Turok already, not mentioning who, just that it happened).

Who what mod xD links! Btw wth picture is that how is it nearly identical to the Turok texture? That's really cool what pic is it from?

That looks very good man actually love it really is nice and seems fitting can't wait to see more. very interesting to find a match like that.

Hey 'no credit necessary' that's nice and I know exactly how you feel. But no we won't be having that if users make a map with this if they don't include that you made the textures then sorry I would on Turok Sanctum. I just think this is a bad practice not to credit its simple to do. I'm 100% against that, try that in the Doom, Duke, or almost any modding community and you get thrashed not just by creators but by the community. You could get something snarky like I see you used such and such from this mod so on and so forth.

So I ask all please, for a clean environment always credit if you use something even as simple as 1 sprite.

Yes sounds really good having good practices and examples sets the tone for the community since its still new :) Turok modding community is still a baby lol. Raise it right!
Title: Re: Turok Vanilla Textures Research
Post by: ひまわりくん on May 05, 2017, 07:03:54 PM
Btw wth picture is that how is it nearly identical to the Turok texture? That's really cool what pic is it from?
Mayan Carvings (https://www.google.com/search?tbs=simg:CAESxAIJ_1-UA_1EONy18auAILEKjU2AQaAggDDAsQsIynCBpiCmAIAxIo1AuCHo0VlQzUHoAeyRWBHoMe0Qv4N9U-9jf-N_1U37yKGOMor8jf4LRow_13L1GuLRdlzmAadTV4IqP4ulWCXwfZxUXAyiHBsm2Xg3_1zp8NirCfxKVl058KVszIAQMCxCOrv4IGgoKCAgBEgRz_18ZGDAsQne3BCRqlAQogCg1zdG9uZSBjYXJ2aW5n2qWI9gMLCgkvbS8wMnd0amoKGQoGcmVsaWVm2qWI9gMLCgkvbS8wMm5ucHMKGwoHY2FydmluZ9qliPYDDAoKL20vMGp3emh0ZwohCg9hbmNpZW50IGhpc3RvcnnapYj2AwoKCC9tLzBkam1wCiYKE2FyY2hhZW9sb2dpY2FsIHNpdGXapYj2AwsKCS9tLzAxMnd3OQw&q=mayan+carvings&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjBr-C57dnTAhXHVyYKHTGrBLoQsw4IOw&biw=1920&bih=960).
Title: Re: Turok Vanilla Textures Research
Post by: Badger on May 06, 2017, 12:18:56 AM
Who what mod xD links! Btw wth picture is that how is it nearly identical to the Turok texture? That's really cool what pic is it from?

Yep, I just googled mayan carvings lol. Hopefully as I dig deeper more will surface, I already found another pic, that being similar to one of the statues in the game, just need to put a little texture magic into it. :P

I am currently transfixed on one of the glyph textures used for walls here:


Searching for a matching glyph picture is nearly impossible, so i've been trying to narrow it down translating it.

So what I'm pretty positive is that I believe that this thing is actually supposed to tell a date using the mayan calendar. Apart from finding a source picture, it also interests me what this glyph could've possibly meant. It's actually pretty hard to decipher a 64x64 pixel image, so I've been trying to do the best I can finding this out.

From what I can tell (my amateur opinion backed up with research), the first glyph literally says: "It is the 8th 7th of Manik." Manik being a named day in the 20 day cycle and and the number 8 7 being in the 13 day cycle, both cycles running simultaneously in the Tzolkin calendar.


There are differences between this picture and the texture picture I showed you, but as we saw in the skull carving images, Iguana was keen on making their own differences (possibly due to licensing). This editing is clear with the number 8 in the first glyph, making the dot look like a moon. While that could've left open the possibility of it being a zero number, it wouldn't make sense as you cannot use 0 in these calendars.

Here is some sources that have been most helpful to me figuring this out:

http://www.famsi.org/mayawriting/thompson/index.html (http://www.famsi.org/mayawriting/thompson/index.html) - Neat academic papers on this site, my favorite.
https://maya.nmai.si.edu/calendar/maya-calendar-converter (https://maya.nmai.si.edu/calendar/maya-calendar-converter) - Modern to mayan date converter
http://www.coyote-wind.com/studios/MayaDate/about.html (http://www.coyote-wind.com/studios/MayaDate/about.html) - Basic teaching of mayan dates
http://www.gutenberg.org/files/43491/43491-h/43491-h.htm (http://www.gutenberg.org/files/43491/43491-h/43491-h.htm) - Extensive teaching of Mayan Glyphs. Showed me the correct use of number in first glyph.

If I'm wrong about something or know one of the glyphs, point it out in a post below, I want to be on the right road here. :D
Title: Re: Turok Vanilla Textures Research
Post by: Duke64 on May 06, 2017, 01:14:40 AM
Love this very interesting! definitely keep this up very ironic feeling. Good job I definitely didn't even know the textures were somewhat based on something at times, I mean I knew it was very similar but I never lined one up like that. Interesting is all I can say. That's some real thought into there textures ppl don't even know how good that is.

Title: Re: Turok Vanilla Textures Research
Post by: Badger on May 11, 2017, 01:37:09 AM
Update 5/10/17: I discovered myself wrong on the day being the 8th. The moon thing is actually a decorative for a date number, making the day 7 Manik.

Thoughts on understanding the date are more together than when I first started on this side quest.

My objective so far is, now that I've found the day is to find a month, which I'm inclined to believe is what the second glyph depicts being the only other numbered glyph (the bottom glyphs seem related to the long count/not sure).

See, a specific day and a specific month can only occur every 52 years (known as a "Calendar Round")! Finding out what that glyph is out of these 19 months would bring us to a more educated guess at what this glyph is supposed to say to us.



As you can probably see, this is pretty difficult to decipher. Judging by the similarities I say it's either an edited Mac or Muan. This is, of course, only applicable if I'm correct on the glyph being a month altogether, but I think if we experiment we can wing it and see if we can find out anything from it.  :)
Title: Re: Turok Vanilla Textures Research
Post by: Rok on May 11, 2017, 10:16:04 AM
It looks like the Muan but rotated??
Title: Re: Turok Vanilla Textures Research
Post by: Drahsid on May 11, 2017, 04:14:31 PM
Quite interesting. The mix looks great.
Title: Re: Turok Vanilla Textures Research
Post by: Badger on May 17, 2017, 01:19:49 AM
It looks like the Muan but rotated??

I'm doubtful anything has been rotated because the correctly placed numbers and the fact that most of the faces turned left like in the texture, but it's one possibility to look at if we cannot see any correlation with the normal glyphs. I looked for matching dates of Muan and Manik recently, and failed to find any (because of my limited understanding of how the calendar works), I want to remain open minded to the possibility that Manik is not the correct glyph as well, so I'll continue combinations.

Quite interesting. The mix looks great.

Thank you. I'm going to try to see if murals have a real life match, if not i can blend in homemade textures. Also doing catacomb bricks as well, so catacombs are going to be mostly good.

Another mural, this one isn't too much of a match as the last one, but it's passible



Title: Re: Turok Vanilla Textures Research
Post by: Badger on May 17, 2017, 02:38:58 AM
Ye man, story goes he was one of the campaigner's henchmen, that's why he's depicted in this mural because he survived the events of Turok 1 (mostly by hiding from Tal' Set).

He's less known for inventing Zippo lighters. You can find these shitty lighters around Skydawn.
Title: Re: Turok Vanilla Textures Research
Post by: Jay Doomed on May 17, 2017, 11:59:35 AM
Wow that latest one is really gorgeous though seriously looks great!

:D Funny stories of zippy xD
Title: Re: Turok Vanilla Textures Research
Post by: Badger on March 19, 2018, 12:54:12 PM
Sorry for this project being on hiatus lol

Okay, interesting discovery today, went on wikipedia to look up Mayan stuff because I was bored, particularly this page:
I scroll to the bottom and find this picture:
You can see it at the very top of it, unmistakably similar to the glyph I was trying to decipher last year (yes, I burned it into my mind :P)!
Alright, so here's the story, the glyph is part of an inscription to commemorate the reign of king Itzamnaaj K'awil. Very incredible and wished to learn more about it. Let's hit up the Harvard website and see what they know about Stela 10 (name of the stone the glyphs are on
You get more detailed information about the stone and what it's about. You also get a cool flash thing that lets you compare the picture and drawing of the rock, both of which are in better quality for some reason, so I reconstructed it for this thread.
That's more clearer than the original, let's see what the drawing is like.
Very unfortunate, the glyphs were apparently eroded enough that perhaps my previous conclusions about them were wrong.
What do you guys think? Some parts don't seem to match up, but reflecting on the past source images found, and the fact that these glyphs are indeed eroded, I wouldn't put it past the artist tracing this to make a slight deviation or two.