Turok General > Turok Comics Discussion

"Mantid (a 30-foot robot praying mantis)"


This exact quotation gets 10 results on Google, including Wikipedia's article on the Turok franchise. But... is it legit?

I'll admit to having not read *all* of Unity, or the early 90s Tal'set comics, but I've read a fair few and seen not even a hint that this "Mantid" exists. Bionisaurs? Check. Pirates? Sure. Hitler? Why not. But can anyone give an issue reference for this 30-foot robot praying mantis??

I'm willing to be surprised here, but something about the phrasing of the whole paragraph I got this line from doesn't sit right with me.

operative lm:
It doesn't exist! :V

Wikipedia and TVTropes are both massively incorrect about the plot of Valiant's Dinosaur Hunter series, and I have no idea where it came from either. It's like they took that story, mashed it up with the games, and added a bit of Magnus, Robot Fighter and called it a day.

But yeah, whoever it was is mistaken and is splicing the comics and the game together.

I knew it! Sometimes you've gotta trust your gut.

It's a shame that one person's misrememberings can end up being reproduced word for word across various websites with no one actually bothering to check - I was wracking my brain about having 'missed' this supposed story arc of Tal'set and Andar fighting giant robot Mantids on a post-apocalyptic Earth.

...Though now I'm curious whether there may be a giant robot called Mantid in Robot Fighter... Hmm.


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